IFSC Code Bank
Find IFSC code for Vijaya Bank branches in India for NEFT transfer and RTGS transfer.

Vijaya Bank ifsc code

Find IFSC Code for Vijaya Bank

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  2. Karnataka »
  3. bangalore urban »
  4. bangalore »
  5. a r m b bangalore

Vijaya Bank list of IFSC Codes

IFSC Code: VIJB0001387
Bank: Vijaya Bank
Business Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
Mode Of Payment: Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Branch: A R M B Bangalore
Contact: Phone:080-25593187
Bank Details: Vijaya Bank A R M B Bangalore VIJB0001387
Remittance Services: NEFT
Location: Bangalore, Bangalore Urban
City: Bangalore
District: Bangalore Urban
State: Karnataka
Pincode: 560025
Country: IN
Address: 19,shrutha complex, 19,primrose road, off:m g road, bangalore,karnataka, 560025

NEFT, RTGS and IMPS codes for Vijaya Bank

You can find Vijaya Bank NEFT, RTGS and IMPS codes in the table alongside. Vijaya Bank NEFT, RTGS and IMPS code is same as IFSC code and used in net banking. For carrying out these transactions we need account details like account number, holder’s name as per bank records, type of account and IFSC code. Money can be transferred using any of the three techniques i.e. IMPS, NEFT and RTGS. This Vijaya Bank IFSC code for branch can be used for various online fund transfers.

A total of 112 branches of Vijaya Bank are available with ifsc code

>>A R M B Bangalore >>Adugodi Bangalore >>Al Ameen Edu Society Extn Counter Bangalore >>Alipur Karnataka >>B T M Layout Bangalore >>Baldwin Boys School Ec Brg.Rd Bangalore >>Baldwin Girls High School Extention Counter Bangalore >>Banashankari Bangalore >>Bangalore Airport Extention Counter >>Basaveshwarnagar Bangalore >>Bellandur >>Bilekahalli Bangalore >>Bishop Cotton Boys School Extention Counter Bangalore >>Bmc Extension Counter Bangalore >>Brigade Road Bangalore >>Byatarayanapura Bangalore >>C M S B Bangalore >>C P P C Ho Bangalore >>Cathedral Composite Pu Col >>Central Accounts Department Head Office Bangalore >>Centralised Forex Proc Cel >>Chickpet Bangalore >>Chikkabanavara >>Chnadra Layout >>City Market Bangalore >>Corporate Banking Bangalore >>Corporate Banking Ii Blore >>Cox Town Bangalore >>Credit Card Dept Ho Bangalore >>Currency Chest Bangalore >>Currency Chest Malleswara >>Dayanand Sagar Engg.Compus Br >>Domlur Bangalore >>East West Group Of Institutions Extention Counter Bangalore >>Electronic City Gennxt >>Gandhi Bazar Bangalore >>Ganganagar Bangalore >>General Admn Dept Head Office >>Giri Nagar Bangalore >>H B R Layout Bangalore >>H S R Layout Bangalore >>Hal Iii Stage Bangalore >>Hanumantnagar Bangalore >>Ho Board Secretariat >>Ho Dit >>Ho Merchant Banking >>Ho Personnel Department >>Ho Plg And Devt Dept >>Indiranagar Bangalore >>Infantry Road Bangalore >>J C Road Bangalore >>J.P.Nagar Bangalore >>Jalahalli Bangalore >>Jayanagar Bangalore >>Jyoti Nivas College Ec Bangalore >>K G Road Bangalore >>K R Puram Bangalore >>Kasturinagar >>Kathriguppe >>Kodigehlli Bangalore >>Koramangala Bangalore >>Krishnaiah Layout Ka >>M S Ramaih Institute Of Technology >>Madanayakanahalli Karnataka >>Malleshwaram Bangalore >>Mayo Hall Bangalore >>Moodlupalya Bangalore >>Msme Bangalore South >>Mulki Sundaram Shetty Nagar Bangalore >>Mysore Road Bangalore >>Mysore Sales Intl Ltd(Mayo Hall) Extention Counter Bangalore >>N R Road Bangalore >>Nagappa Block Bangalore >>Overseas Bangalore >>Oxford Engineering Collge Extention Counter Bangalore >>Oxford School Bangalore >>Palace Orchards Bangalore >>Peenya Bangalore >>Pension And Provident Fund Bangalore >>R C Road Bangalore >>R.T.Nagar Bangalore >>Racpc Bangalore >>Racpc Bangalore South >>Rajajinagar Bangalore >>Rajarajeswarinagar Bangalore >>Ramamurthy Nagar Kar >>Regional Office. Bangalore North >>Regional Office. Bangalore South >>Residency Road Bangalore >>S S I Bangalore >>Sanjaynagar Bangalore >>Sankey Road Bangalore >>Sarakki Bangalore >>Service Branch Bangalore >>Shanthinagar Bangalore >>South End Road Bangalore >>Sri Krishna College Eng Ec >>Staff Training College Ban >>Sunkadakatte Bangalore >>Treasury Management Department Bangalore >>Trinity Circle Bangalore >>Ulsoor Bangalore >>Vanivilas Road Bangalore >>Varthur Bangalore >>Victoria Road Bangalore >>Vidyanagar Bangalore >>Vidyaranyapura Bangalore >>Vijayanagar Bangalore >>Vishweshwaraiah Layout >>West Of Chord Road Bangalore >>Whitefield Bangalore >>Yeshwanthpur Bangalore

How to use Vijaya Bank IFSC code in online fund transfer?

Vijaya Bank IFSC code is an 11 digit code used in online fund transfers. This IFSC code contains 4 Characters that represent Vijaya Bank, 5th character is reserved for future use and the last 6 characters represent the branch code. Vijaya Bank has many branches all over the country and physical cheques cannot be transferred anywhere across the country to transfer funds hence internet banking is preferred. The IFSC code is used to identify the Vijaya Bank participating in online transactions via RTGS, IMPS and NEFT systems. You can find the IFSC code for Vijaya Bank in the table alongside

Vijaya Bank IFSC code of bangalore

Vijaya Bank IFSC code is given on the right side. We have also provided the details like address and contact numbers of of Vijaya Bank with IFSC code. To further simplify your search we have provided a search box, wherein you can type the first four letters of any branch of Vijaya Bank that you require. You can find the IFSC code for Vijaya Bank here along with other details for your online fund transfer. These codes are used for online fund transfer which will simplify your work and save a lot of time.