PNB Mumbai ifsc code

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PNB Bank Mumbai list of IFSC Codes

Bank Punjab National Bank
Branch Chembur Main
Open Hours
Mode Of Payment Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Contact 022-25214772, 25580070 S T Phape
Bank Details Punjab National Bank Chembur Main PUNB0007700
Remittance Services NEFT
Location Mumbai, Mumbai
City Mumbai
District Mumbai
State Maharashtra
Pincode 400071
Country IN
Address Chembur main, govandi road, mumbai-400071
Bank Punjab National Bank
Branch Andheri West Mumbai
Open Hours
Mode Of Payment Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Contact 022-26206840-5220 Sujata Ajit Narsak
Bank Details Punjab National Bank Andheri West Mumbai PUNB0055000
Remittance Services NEFT
Location Mumbai, Mumbai
City Mumbai
District Mumbai
State Maharashtra
Pincode 400058
Country IN
Address 130, s v road, andheri west, mumbai, maharashtra - 400058
of 10
*Working hours vary. Banks are shut on 2nd and 4th Saturdays and all Sundays of the month.

A total of 116 branches of Punjab National Bank are available with ifsc code

>>Andheri West Mumbai >>Anushakti Nagar >>Apmc Vashi Navi Mumbai >>Armb Mumbai City >>Asset Recovery Management >>Atm Control Centre >>Bhandup (East) Mumbai >>Bombay Samachar Marg Mumbai >>Borivali East Mumbai >>Borivali West Mumbai >>C A Road Chembur >>Cac Mumbai >>Capital Market Services >>Cbd Belapur >>Ccpc Mumbai >>Cdpc Mumbai >>Chembur Camp >>Chembur Main >>Circle Offfice Mumbai Central >>Circle Sastra Mumbai Central >>Clpc Mumbai >>Clpc Mumbai Subburb >>Colaba Mumbai >>Dadar Kc Mumbai >>Depository Services >>Dombivli East (Midc) >>Dr Data Centre Belapur >>Foreign Exchange Office Mumbai >>Foreshore Road Raheja Chambers >>Gbv Mumbai >>Ghatkopar (East) >>Ghatkopar West >>Goregaon (East) Mumbai >>Goregaon W >>Ibb Mumbai >>Ilaco House Mumbai >>Internet Banking Neft Centralized >>It Zonal Office >>Kalaba Devi Road Mumbai >>Kandivili (East) >>Kandivili (West) >>Kharghar >>Kurla Mumbai >>L.C.B. Mumbai >>Lalbaug Mumbai >>Lcb Mumbai Bandra >>Lcb Mumbai Foreshore Road >>Lcc Mumbai >>Linking Road Bandra West Mumbai >>M.C.B. Mumbai >>Malad (West) Mumbai >>Malad East >>Mandvi Mumbai >>Matunga >>Mcc Mumbai Central >>Mcc Mumbai City >>Mcc Mumbai Western >>Mulund West >>Mumbai Andheri (East) >>Mumbai Cheetah Camp Mankhurd >>Mumbai Khar West >>Mumbai Malad Marve Road >>Mumbai Mg Memo Hospital Parel >>Mumbai Oshiwara Jogeshwari(W) >>Mumbai Worli >>Mumbaibyculla >>Mumbaichurchgate >>Mumbaidadar >>Mumbaievershine Nagar >>Mumbaikalbadevi >>Mumbailarge Corporate Branch >>Mumbaimaheshwari Manson Napeansea Rd >>Mumbaimandvi >>Mumbaimumbai Central >>Mumbaiopera House >>Mumbaioverseas >>Mumbaiparel >>Mumbaipeddar Road Branch >>Mumbaiprabha Devi >>Mumbaisamachar Marg Fort >>Mumbaiservice Branch >>Mumbaiwadala >>Mumbaiworld Trade Centre Cuffe Parade >>Napean Sea Road >>Nc Kelkar Road >>Neft Branch Centre >>Neft Center >>Neft Centralized Processing Centre >>Opera House >>Peddar Road Mumbai >>Plp Mumbai Western >>Pnb House >>Rapc Bkc >>Retail Asset Branch Charkop >>Rmo Mumbai Western >>Rsdc Mumbai >>Rtgsho Amalgamated Obc >>Saki Naka Mumabi >>Sane Guruji Marg >>Santa Cruz (West) Mumbai >>Sector 1 Vashi Navi Mumbai >>Seepz Andheri (East) >>Service Centre Mumbai >>Shivaji Park Mumbai >>Sion West >>Swift Centre Mumbai >>Trade Finance Centre Mumbai >>Trade Finance Centre Mumbai >>Vidyavihar Mumbai >>Ville Parle (East) Mumbai >>Ville Parle West Mumbai >>Worli Naka Mumbai >>Worli Sea Face >>Zaveri Bazar Mumbai >>Zonal Sastra Centre Mumbai >>Zrmc Mumbai

What are mumbai Punjab National Bank NEFT, RTGS and IMPS codes?

NEFT, RTGS and IMPS codes for Punjab National Bank which are same as IFSC codes are given in the table. These NEFT, RTGS and IMPS codes are used in net banking. For carrying out these transactions we need account details like account number holders name as per bank records, type of account and IFSC code. Money can be transferred using any of the three techniques i.e. NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. These PNB Bank IFSC codes for mumbai branches can be used for various online bill payments, insurance premium payments, Electronic clearing Systems, train, bus and plane ticket bookings, online shopping, etc.

PNB IFSC code in mumbai

PNB IFSC code in mumbai is an 11 digit code used in online fund transfers. All the banks have number of branches spread across the country. It is not always feasible to wait for Punjab National Bank physical cheques to travel across the country to transfer funds. Internet banking provides a solution to this. To carry out online transactions using RTGS, IMPS or NEFT, each bank branch needs to be identified individually. IFSC codes for PNB in Punjab National Bank are used for the same purpose and hence are unique. NOTE that not all branches support electronic fund transfer, only those approved by RBI can provide such facility. The PNB Bank IFSC code list for mumbai is provided by RBI.

How to find mumbai Punjab National Bank IFSC codes?

PNB mumbai IFSC codes are given in the table alongside. Details including address and contact numbers for are also provided. These details will help you to verify the IFSC code with respective banks before the actual transaction. One can further search by branch name specified in the table. You can find IFSC codes for all Punjab National Bank mumbai branches.

Search PNB IFSC Codes in mumbai

You can search through IFSC Codes of Maharashtra branches in mumbai of District mumbai in Maharashtra State by using the search box or you can browse through the table using the conrols at the bottom.
