IFSC Code Bank
Find IFSC code for Kurmanchal Bank branches in India for NEFT transfer and RTGS transfer.

Kurmanchal Bank ifsc code

Find IFSC Code for Kurmanchal Sahakari Bank

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  1. Kurmanchal Nagar Sahakari Bank Ltd

Kurmanchal Nagar Sahakari Bank list of IFSC Codes

IFSC Code: KNSB0000001
Bank: Kurmanchal Nagar Sahakari Bank Ltd
Business Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
Mode Of Payment: Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Branch: Head Office
Contact: 05946-236574,05946-231525
Bank Details: Kurmanchal Nagar Sahakari Bank Ltd Head Office KNSB0000001
Remittance Services: NEFT
Location: Nainital, Nainital
City: Nainital
District: Nainital
State: Uttrakhand
Pincode: 244713
Country: IN
Address: Kurmanchal bhawan, tallital
IFSC Code: KNSB0010001
Bank: Kurmanchal Nagar Sahakari Bank Ltd
Business Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
Mode Of Payment: Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Branch: Sadar Bazar Haldwani
Contact: 9456596401,05946-250150
Bank Details: Kurmanchal Nagar Sahakari Bank Ltd Sadar Bazar Haldwani KNSB0010001
Remittance Services: NEFT
Location: Haldwani, Nainital
City: Haldwani
District: Nainital
State: Uttrakhand
Pincode: 263139
Country: IN
Address: Gopalji complex, sadar bazar
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How to use NEFT, RTGS and IMPS for fund transfer for Kurmanchal Bank?

For online fund transfer, apart from the IFSC Code of Kurmanchal Bank (which is provided in this website), you need to know the Account details like number, holders name as in bank records and type (typically saving or current). Kurmanchal Nagar Sahakari Bank list of IFSC codes provided alongside will help you in finding code for respective banks. You can then use this information to carry out online banking. Online mode of payments can be used for transactions like premium payments, bill payments, ticket booking, donations, shopping, etc.

Kurmanchal Nagar Sahakari Bank Ltd branches with ifsc codes are available in 1 states


IFSC code for Kurmanchal Bank

Kurmanchal Bank IFSC code can be used by both the National Electronic Fund Transfer and Real Time Gross Settlement finance transfer systems. Kurmanchal Sahakari Bank NEFT, RTGS and IMPS codes are provided by RBI. NEFT transactions are settled in batches while RTGS transactions are settled individually. IMPS presents an instant 24X7, electronic fund transfer. IFSC Code is an 11 character code for identifying bank branches participating in online fund transfers. This code is unique for each branch. Please NOTE that not all branches of a bank provide net banking facility.

How to find Kurmanchal Bank IFSC Codes?

The table alongside provides the Kurmanchal Bank IFSC code list. One can use this IFSC code finder to find IFSC Code for Kurmanchal Sahakari Bank for NEFT or RTGS or IMPS codes before using them. You can find IFSC codes for Kurmanchal Sahakari Bank branches in India. Narrow down your search for IFSC Codes either by selecting any particular state from the drop down list or by selecting the state in the table on the right side.

Search Kurmanchal Bank IFSC Codes!

You can search through around 46+ IFSC Codes of Kurmanchal Bank! We are making earnest efforts in keeping the information updated by adding IFSC codes of Kurmanchal Bank as they get available on RBI website.